Trends In Salivary Testing: Guest Author Guiding Principles
To contribute, simply complete the blog submission form and write a 250-500-word blog article. If longer than 250-500 words, the blog submission may be broken into multiple articles. You, your practice and blog post will gain marketing through our OralDNA® Labs Facebook and Twitter pages, and also be shared to thousands of subscribers via our OralDNA® Café Newsletter!
Ideas of how you can contribute:
Virtual Blog Interview – We will provide questions in an email, and you simply send back your answers.
Share a Case Study – You have no doubt encountered many interesting cases over the years and may want to share your success stories.
Share Your Story – Share how salivary diagnostics has changed or influenced your patients and/or the way you practice.
Original Blog – You choose a topic (oral systemic connection, diabetes, etc.) and write a blog. These blogs are usually around 250-500 words and can include images/links if you so desire.
- Do not send us content that has already been published elsewhere
- Do not plagiarize
- Please provide references