If your RDH team finds that overloaded treatment time constraints prevent you from having conversations with your patients about healthy lifestyle choices, you are in good company. That's the RDH scene across our country. But many dental and hygiene schools in America are introducing their students to a solution to this disturbing trend known as Inter-Professional Collaboration.

Summary of Offered Expertise & Services

If we are to create a collaborative relationship to bring healthy lifestyle choices to our dental patients, what would that look like? We agree with a growing number of Professionals that the optimal collaborative team to address oral health, nutritional health, exercise and weig ht management is the Complete Health RDH and the Certified Lifestyle Coach.

Optimal Oral Systemic Solutions LLC® is an Inter-professional Collaboration Management LLC. Community Lifestyle Network® is its social media based division which connects the dental collaborative relationships we manage with the community. Our bottom line is improving your patients' treatment outcome by strengthening their body defense mechanisms to combat the systemic inflammation induced by the oral pathogens identified using OralDNA® salivary diagnostic testing.



WebSite: CommunityLifestyleNetwork

Phone: 630-408-LIFE

Email: rickhutchinsdds@comcast.net