Collaboration Cures 2024: A Three-Day Convergence of Knowledge and Innovation

Collaboration Cures for 2024 promises an enriching three-day event filled with education and dialogue, featuring an array of distinguished talents. This year’s lineup is particularly exciting, with the inclusion of Patrick McKeown, a renowned expert in his field. As my knowledge grows with the Buteyko breathing method and am becoming a certified practitioner, the discussions around airway and breathing are energizing. Pediatrics is going to be highly represented with talks about sleep, myofunctional therapy and overall oral health. A variety of disciplines will be represented: nutrition, dentistry, medicine, physical therapy, and a favorite of mine microbiology with Dr. Camille Zenobia. The event gives dental continuing education credit and certified medical education credit.

The wide range of topics create conversations that are critical for advancing our understanding and practices. I am particularly looking forward to working alongside Machell Hudson-Hoover and Lora Hopper in a panel discussion full of intrigue and intel. Together, we will explore key practical strategies to enhance patient health, offering actionable insights and best practices.

On Saturday, I will be presenting my talk, “I’m No Math Whiz but Oral Health Is in The Dementia Prevention Equation.” Despite my aversion to math, I will show how simple arithmetic—adding beneficial habits and subtracting harmful ones—can lead to improved overall health. This session will combine my passion for brain health and its relationship with oral health.

Collaboration Cures 2024 is more than just an event; it’s a convergence of innovative minds dedicated to advancing wellness. I am thrilled to be part of this journey, contributing to our growth in the future for our practice and patient care.

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OralDNA | Practice Protocols | Anne O. Rice RDH

Anne O. Rice