Olympic Spirit: Achieving Gold in Healthcare

As the Olympic Games end, the world pauses to celebrate the victories and remarkable achievements of the globe’s finest athletes. The medals, the records shattered, and those unforgettable moments of triumph all deserve our admiration. However, beyond these glorious celebrations, we must also acknowledge the sheer courage it takes to try. Olympians weren’t born as perfect athletes; they started somewhere, faced countless obstacles, and transformed their failures into steppingstones toward greatness. Their journeys are profound examples of perseverance, dedication, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

In many ways, the path of healthcare professionals mirrors that of Olympians. Just like athletes, healthcare providers begin their journeys with uncertainty, learning from their experiences, and often stumbling along the way. But with perseverance and dedication, they continue to raise the bar, ultimately improving the lives of their patients.

A common question that often arises among clinicians when considering the adoption of new practices such as salivary testing is, “Where do I start?” or “I didn’t learn this in school. How will it change my treatment?” These questions echo the uncertainty faced by athletes embarking on their first long jump, clearing their first hurdle, or diving off a platform for the first time. They didn’t know exactly how to begin—they simply did. The same applies to salivary testing—just start.

One of the best ways to begin is by testing yourself, your team members, and even your family. This hands-on experience is invaluable. Many healthcare professionals can recall a time during their training when classmates provided care for one another. It felt awkward at first, but with practice, it became second nature. Salivary testing will follow a similar trajectory. The more you test, the more confident you’ll become, and eventually, it will evolve into a higher standard of care—your very own gold medal achievement.

For those seeking more insight and practical guidance, the “How Do You Speak Testing” blog series is an excellent resource. These blogs feature stories of professionals who have embraced salivary testing, sharing their journeys and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. Much like the Olympians who’ve reached the pinnacle of their sports, these healthcare professionals serve as an inspiration, demonstrating what’s possible with commitment and a willingness to grow.

Additionally, our Case Studies provide a wealth of information to help you refine your approach and fast-track your progress. By learning from the experiences of others, you can avoid common pitfalls and accelerate your journey toward excellence.

In the end, whether you’re an Olympian or a healthcare professional, the key to success lies in starting, learning, and continuously striving for improvement. Just as Olympians push themselves to new heights, healthcare providers must also challenge themselves to elevate the care they provide. With perseverance, dedication, and a commitment to excellence, you too can achieve greatness in your field. So, take that first step, embrace the process, and set your sights on gold.

Explore and Learn: Discover our How Do You Speak Testing blog series by visiting the Trends in Salivary homepage and selecting the tag “How Do You Speak.” Additionally, access our Case Studies for further training and inspiration.

Diane Larson RDH, BSDH