In Part 1, we uncovered a hidden threat to dental implants—bacteria—and explored why so many providers overlook the critical step of testing for harmful pathogens before placement. Despite the clear risks, common objections like cost, insurance coverage, and lack of awareness often stand in the way. In Part 2, we’ll break down how to shift the conversation, overcome objections, and use ethical influence to help patients make the best decision for their long-term health. The truth is, it’s not just about cost—it’s about value perception. If a patient doesn’t see the value in a bacterial test, of course they’ll balk at the price. But if they understand that this test can prevent implant failure, suddenly it’s a different conversation.
So instead of assuming patients won’t pay, frame it in a way that makes sense to them:
- “For less than the cost of replacing a failed implant, you can significantly reduce your risk.”
- “This test gives us a roadmap to make sure your implant stays healthy long-term.”
- “Would you rather invest a small amount now or risk thousands later?”
And if cost is truly a concern, offer solutions—whether it’s financing options, bundling it with implant treatment, or even breaking payments into manageable parts.
The Fear of “No”
Let’s address the elephant in the operatory: Some doctors and hygienists hesitate to offer OralDNA® testing because they’re afraid patients will say no.
Here’s a reality check: Patients say no to fluoride, night guards, and even flossing all the time. But that doesn’t mean we stop recommending them! The key is education, not assumption.
Instead of assuming a patient won’t be interested, frame the conversation differently:
- “Would you like to know if you’re at higher risk for implant failure?”
- “Would you rather prevent infection now or deal with complications later?”
- “For a fraction of the cost of an implant, we can identify and address risk factors ahead of time.”
When patients understand why the test matters, they’re far more likely to say yes—and that simple decision can mean the difference between a thriving implant and a costly failure.
Bottom Line: Don’t Gamble with Implant Success
Implants are a long-term investment, and like any investment, they deserve protection. Testing for harmful bacteria before placement isn’t just smart—it’s essential.
So, the next time a patient is considering an implant, the real question isn’t “Why do I need a bacterial profile?” but rather: “Why wouldn’t I?”
Overcoming the fear of “NO” should be a course in dental school or hygiene school, but it’s not. Fortunately, Dr. Robert Cialdini has done decades of research on how to “Influence” people to do what is in their best interest and do so ethically. His best-selling books, Influence and Pre-suasion show how his 7 principles of influence can be used to get people to say YES!
Better yet, he has developed a SPECIAL PROGRAM that teaches the application of these principles. Once the program is complete, a certificate of Ethical Influence Practitioner can be earned.
This certificate program normally sells for $1,497. For a very limited time, because there are limited numbers available, members of the OralDNA community can get the course for 50% off, a savings of $748.50. Just use the code oraldna.
Get more Yeses. Learn the secrets from the Guru of Influence himself and give your patients the gift of better health.
To more YESes,
- The Hidden Threat to Dental Implants: Why Ignoring Bacteria is a Risky Gamble – Part 2 - March 14, 2025
- The Hidden Threat to Dental Implants: Why Ignoring Bacteria is a Risky Gamble – Part 1 - February 28, 2025
- A Competitive Advantage – Part Two - November 8, 2024