The Patient First Podcast: Dr. Bryan Laskin Interviews Diane Larson, RDH, BSDH

Dr. Bryan Laskin is a Minnesota dentist and tech entrepreneur on a mission to help solve the biggest problem in dentistry, the lack of data accessibility, through innovation, education, and standardization. Creator of Lake Minnetonka Dental, Upgrade Dental, Digital Nitrous, OperaDDS, Dental Standards Institute, and Co-Founder of Toothapps, Dr. Laskin is also an advisor and investor to many of the most progressive healthcare companies. He is the author of the Amazon best- selling books “Th...
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Microbiome Biohacking: Dr. Debbie Ozment Interviews Dr. Ron McGlennen

Dr. Debbie Ozment has been a private practice dentist since 1985 and has an extensive wealth of knowledge to share. She attended dental school at Oklahoma University College of Dentistry, where she later served as adjunct faculty for seven years. Dr. Ozment also holds a master’s degree in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine from the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine and is a Diplomat with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. She is a Nationally Board-Certified He...
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Raising Awareness: Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April marks Oral Cancer Awareness Month, serving as a vital reminder of the importance of early detection and prevention in combating oral cancer, a disease that affects millions worldwide. OralDNA® Labs offers the OraRisk® HPV test to aid in identifying individuals at risk. Oral cancer refers to cancer that develops in the mouth or throat tissues, potentially affecting various areas such as the lips, tongue, gums, inner lining of the cheeks, roof and floor of the mouth, as well as the to...
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Gratitude Beyond the Feast

Thanksgiving is more than just a holiday marked by a feast. The Thanksgiving season invites us to pause, take a breath, and acknowledge the blessings that often go unnoticed in our day to day lives. Our team at OralDNA® Labs is grateful for each and every one of you and for your dedication to advancing patient care through salivary diagnostics. This Thanksgiving, we want to extend our thanks for your trust in our services and for allowing us to be a part of your commitment to your patients’ ...
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Celebrating 7 Years of Trends in Salivary Testing!

Salivary Diagnostics has come a long way since our first blog post in 2016! There have been great strides made in research that have expanded the knowledge base and acceptance of salivary testing throughout all types of healthcare specialties. This especially applies to the awareness and importance of the oral-systemic connection. More and more medical and dental professionals are joining forces to offer their patients the best possible care using salivary diagnostic testing. Trends in Saliv...
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In a recent survey of dentists done by the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, 71% had anxiety-related symptoms, 60% had depression-related symptoms, and 92% had symptoms of stress. Dentists working in the independent sector had more psychological symptoms compared with those in the public sector. Overall, 92% of the dentists were experiencing some form of psychological symptoms. We must bring awareness to these stat...
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Training and Upcoming Events

Continuing your education after graduation is a must. This helps you keep in touch with new discoveries in your field and is generally required to maintain licensure for many health care professionals. A great option for providing additional training for your team is to request an OralDNA® webinar with Clinical Specialist Diane Larson, RDH by emailing The training session is typically about 30 minutes in length and provides valuable information about OralDNA® Labs’ testing s...
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