When you go to a primary care physician for a routine examination, chances are you’ll get weighed, have your “vitals” (blood pressure, temp, pulse) taken, have your lungs and chest listened to, ears, nose and mouth explored. Perhaps they’ll take an EKG to monitor your heart. Lastly, they’ll ask you to provide a urine sample and have blood taken so some lab tests can be run.
What happens afterwards?
Since the results of your urinalysis and blood work take several days to get back, ther...
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Author: Michael Goldberg DMD
What’s a “Hygiene Visit” Worth? With Dr. Michael Goldberg
Price becomes an objection when a patient does not perceive “meaningful value.” Without such a value-based context, people use money as a benchmark.
Is your hygiene visit worth $39, $59, $99 or more?
Or is it only worth it if the “insurance will cover it?”
And now that the new hygienist you just hired is making 20% more than the previous one, how does that figure into the profitability of the practice?
We are in complex times, made more intense by the pandemic-effect, which acceler...
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Who Guides Your Patients To Their Destination? with Dr. Michael Goldberg
In my last blog, I discussed the value for, and the tactics involved in trying to discover a patient’s WHY. Recent events and the effect that inflation has, and will continue to have, on all our lives for the foreseeable future, makes this exercise of utmost urgency in your practice.
In light of this new reality, I would like to propose that you consider reframing each and every role in the dental practice. If your treatment is not presented in the right light, towards a patient-relevant bene...
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Why? What? How? with Dr. Michael Goldberg
This is a philosophy that is often taught in dental and hygiene schools: Diagnose, Treatment Plan, then Treat.
And yet, immediately after this is taught, a focus is placed on learning treatment, or the HOW. And then upon graduation the focus also becomes on treatment and production. The diagnosis (WHY) and planning (WHAT) become secondary. They’re only an avenue to an end…Production, a means to an end. That’s where the money is.
In a nutshell, that’s the problem with...
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It’s Not JUST About the Science
At a time when “evidence-based” everything is all the rage; I would like to share my experience and philosophy in regard to salivary diagnostics. My approach comes from a non-scientific perspective garnered from my 40+ years of clinical experience. I come at it from both a trained scientific, human, psychological, patient management and pragmatic mindset.
Several years back, I had a discussion with a well-respected career academic and journal editor about “evidence-based” medicine. He qu...
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