Dental as a Missing Link for Medical Failures

Do you want to live a longer, healthier life without chronic aches, pain, or chronic illness? Your oral cavity, gums, and dental status can provide an ample “mouthful of evidence” of your health status. Your physician most likely overlooked the dental-oral connection to your health. Medical doctors rely on dentists to care for your teeth, and common procedures can lead to making your health worse over time. Hidden dental problems may be as bad as or worse for your health than obesity, hyperte...
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Interview with Functional Medicine, International Leader Pete Williams

Dr. McGlennen: You started incorporating OralDNA® testing services into your care in Spring 2018. Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics and why do you use the testing services. Pete Williams: We first became aware of the OralDNA® testing services at a Functional Medicine conference in the US. As a Functional Medicine practice, we are aware of how oral health can have a systemic effect on chronic disease and its management. We have been following the research ove...
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Probiotics Combined with Antibiotics Can Help

Almost all of us will be faced with the need to take an antibiotic at some time. Certainly, they are overused in many instances, but can also be lifesaving. Besides killing the bacteria that are causing the infection, antibiotics can also wreak havoc with the gut microbes. If you think of your gut flora like a tropical rainforest with vast diversity, think of antibiotics as a slash and burn therapy that does not discriminate between friendly probiotic strains and pathogenic invaders. It i...
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Oral Gut Connection Case Study with Medical Emphasis

The Challenge: This apparently healthy, muscular college student was suffering from brain fog, alternating constipation and diarrhea, bloating, decreased appetite, and low energy. He reports having trouble concentrating, which is interfering with his work. He was referred to me by his mother, who attended my classes on Vitality. The Background: Age & Gender: 23-year-old Male Medical History: Insignificant; No chronic illnesses. No pharmaceutical medications. Family His...
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Part 2: Inflammation & “Nutrients”

In everything we do, we are sending a message to our body to heal or to cause damage. A cause of inflammation and disease is nutritional deficiencies and the direct effect on our gene expression. Let’s broaden our view on what nutrients are. A nutrient could be the vitamins and minerals you get from a salad, or the nutritional movement you got from a walk through the woods a.k.a. forest bathing, or the quality night’s sleep you just had because you’ve been destressing with a regular meditation p...
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Periodontal Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis – Controlling Two Birds with One Stone?

  Challenge: Our case study represents an example of the emerging evidence from interventional and, more recently, animal studies showing how seemingly unrelated diseases such as periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis can be related through similar genetic, biological, and clinically consistent mechanisms.1,2,3,4 Background: The initial medical assessment for a 57-year-old female diagnosed with palindromic rheumatoid arthritis was conducted at our functional medicine clinic....
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Oral Health and Leaky Gut: The Surprising Connections

Helping dental professionals recognize the interconnectedness between oral health, the gastrointestinal (GI) system, and overall wellness is my passion. As dental clinicians, it’s imperative to understand these connections because what happens in the mouth doesn’t stay in the mouth. Numerous health issues can be detected by educated and observant dental professionals—thus alerting patients to avoidable negative health consequences down the road. Does bad oral health affect the rest of the...
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Ask Why? Medicine

  The balance between health and disease is delicate. When disease begins, restoring health may be a difficult journey. One strategy is to find the root cause(s) versus treating the symptoms of the disease. Defining the problem(s) and collecting the appropriate data will assist in identifying the cause. Prioritizing the cause(s), rather than the symptoms, will help implement necessary changes to re-establish health. It is easy to struggle with your health, especially when there is...
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Interview with Eniko Loud DMD

Dr. McGlennen: Thank you for becoming an OralDNA® provider in 2016. What was the catalyst for bringing salivary diagnostics to your patient care? Eniko Loud DMD: I have taken courses in oral systemic health and functional medicine, then became familiar with the importance of the oral microbiome on the holobiome. The holobiome is the sum of all bacterial, fungal, viral populations that live inside and on the body - like the lung flora/biome which is secondary to the biome of the mouth and ...
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Interview with Ryan McWhorter, MD

Dr. McGlennen: Please explain how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics in your functional medicine practice. Ryan McWhorter MD:  I use OralDNA® Labs’ MyPerioPath® test when I suspect or know there are sources of inflammation. The lab results are part of the evaluation for coronary heart disease treatment, joint problems, cancer support, autoimmune reversal or problems in women's pelvic health, fertility or miscarriages. Dr. McGlennen: What is your primary consideration when selecting ...
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