Dr. McGlennen: Please tell me how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics in your practice.
Searcy Dental team: We use salivary diagnostics as standard protocol in our periodontal therapy program, especially MyPerioPath®. These results help us, and patients, understand exactly which pathogens are present and at what levels. When a patient has responded to our applied therapy, we are able to measure the amazing results by post treatment testing.
Searcy Dental team: Inflammation is n...
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Interview with Dr. Lilit Alikhanyan
Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics.
Dr. Alikhanyan: I was fortunate enough to have been introduced to OralDNA 5 years ago in a previous office.
Dr. McGlennen: What are the top two things to consider when you select a patient for testing?
Dr. Alikhanyan: As a provider, I look at both the patient’s systemic health and their periodontal health. For example, if a patient has auto-immune issues, gut health concerns, a history of cancer, fertility or m...
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