Light the Flame of Awareness

Incorporating OralDNA® testing into our practice has been a game changer. It finally gives us, the clinicians, an advantage when getting ahead of this progressive disease--periodontal disease. The research is mounting, periodontal pathogens do not just exist in your oral cavity; the bacteria can enter the bloodstream through inflamed periodontal tissue. Hence, the mouth is connected to the body and so are the pathogens. It is all linked. Now with MyPerioPath® results to show what periodontal...
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Rule In or Rule Out — How to Add a Test

The OralDNA® Labs preserved oral rinse collection kit comes at no cost to you and works for all tests on our test menu, with the exception of OraRisk® COVID 19 RT-PCR. The collection technique of a vigorous 30 second swish and gargle is efficient and effectively captures various DNA - bacterial, human, viral and fungal. The collected DNA from the oral cavity is analyzed to produce lab reports that help you make patient care decisions. When Alert 2™, MyPerioID® IL-6, or Celsus One™ are ord...
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Re-assess and Re-focus in 2021

When it comes to your profitability and production for 2021, how are you doing so far this year? Are you on track to do what you hoped? And most of all, have you determined what improvements you want to incorporate into your practice for 2021? Many of us had the feeling that a giant pause button was pushed during our COVID lockdowns. How did you use that time? Did you take time for yourself? Did you reprioritize your relationships? How about your health, did you do any self-love or was it...
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Interview with PDS South Bay Joan To, DDS

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you heard about OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Joan To DDS: Originally, I was introduced to OralDNA® testing through Pacific Dental Services (PDS). However, implementing testing was slow to start until Dr. Shervin Molayem, my colleague and in-office periodontist, helped me. He shared his personal experience and success stories with OralDNA® testing and how he was able to take better care of his patients. I wanted that for my patients. Obviously, his motivation was...
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Take Control & Sense of Security

As your dental practice opens its doors, answering questions of safety can be one of the many stressors on your mind. This blog will highlight ways to help take control and provide a sense of security. For example, during the mandated shut down dental practices were diligently working, securing limited personal protective equipment (PPE), and studying the ever-changing guidelines. Obtaining the appropriate PPE and conducting necessary training is one way of taking control and providing a sen...
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COVID-19: A Primer for the Dental Professional Part 1

The pandemic caused by the virus, SARS-CoV-2, has descended upon us with a speed and seriousness unprecedented in our modern history. The virus causing the disease called COVID-19 has been revealed to be both stealthy as well as terribly dramatic. The virus and the disease have taken not only the health and lives of many in our country, but also, in the effort to stem the pandemic, our economy as well. As we look forward to an ebb in the number of newly afflicted persons, it is important to ...
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Soft Tissue Program with a Microscope & MyPerioPath®

As with most dental practices we have a soft tissue program in place to help treat periodontal disease as well as gingivitis. We use the traditional x-rays and periodontal probing exams that allow us to assess periodontal damage that has already occurred within the soft tissues and bone. We have also implemented a new type of exam that can show us bacteria that is present in the gum tissues. Our team recently received training on the use of a microscope and Dr. Hawkins decided to purchase...
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American Academy of Oral Medicine: The Past, The Present, and The Future

On April 29-May 2, 2020, the American Academy of Oral Medicine (AAOM) celebrates its 75th annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. The theme of our meeting is “Oral Medicine: The Past, The Present, and The Future.” In 1945, “The Past,” Dr. Samuel Charles Miller founded the academy with a keen intent to integrate dental and medical issues. This inspiration has formed a strong foundation, “The Present,” that over the years, through education, collaboration, and research, has set standards for mana...
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AADP: Sharing a Better Way in Dentistry #Launch2020

It’s a new decade and 2020 has a great energy boosting ring to it! Launch your new dental decade and year of 2020 with an inspirational space themed meeting in Orlando with the American Academy of Dental Practice (AADP) March 4-7. I went to my first AADP meeting because I heard it was one of the best kept secrets in dentistry. Intrigued, I had to check it out and AADP did not disappoint. Whatever it is that I need at that point in my life, I find it at AADP either through the wonderful...
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Identify & Destroy! Synergistic Pathogenic Biofilm Management

Synergy is the combined effect of two things being greater than either one independently. As a veteran of managing periodontal diseases, that is how I view salivary diagnostics and Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT).   With salivary diagnostics I can identify specific pathogens thriving in my patient’s biofilm, and through the process of GBT I am able to dismantle and destroy those pathogens.  This is synergy at its best. Quick review of pathogenic biofilm, then we can focus on GBT and salivary...
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