Ask Why? Medicine

  The balance between health and disease is delicate. When disease begins, restoring health may be a difficult journey. One strategy is to find the root cause(s) versus treating the symptoms of the disease. Defining the problem(s) and collecting the appropriate data will assist in identifying the cause. Prioritizing the cause(s), rather than the symptoms, will help implement necessary changes to re-establish health. It is easy to struggle with your health, especially when there is...
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Interview with Eniko Loud DMD

Dr. McGlennen: Thank you for becoming an OralDNA® provider in 2016. What was the catalyst for bringing salivary diagnostics to your patient care? Eniko Loud DMD: I have taken courses in oral systemic health and functional medicine, then became familiar with the importance of the oral microbiome on the holobiome. The holobiome is the sum of all bacterial, fungal, viral populations that live inside and on the body - like the lung flora/biome which is secondary to the biome of the mouth and ...
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Interview with PDS South Bay Joan To, DDS

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you heard about OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Joan To DDS: Originally, I was introduced to OralDNA® testing through Pacific Dental Services (PDS). However, implementing testing was slow to start until Dr. Shervin Molayem, my colleague and in-office periodontist, helped me. He shared his personal experience and success stories with OralDNA® testing and how he was able to take better care of his patients. I wanted that for my patients. Obviously, his motivation was...
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How Do You Speak Testing?

  A common question of everyone doing something for the first time is “How?” Clinical laboratory testing is standard of care in the medical profession and while completing their degrees, our medical colleagues learned the “How.” For dental professionals, clinical laboratory testing is a newer concept. Clinical lab testing in dentistry marks a paradigm shift. We hope this series “How to Speak” provides insights into how to talk with your patients about optimal care. The guest author has...
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Interview with Lori Appelhans RDH

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me why you started to use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Lori, RDH: We were frustrated with inconsistent periodontal results, and began incorporating OralDNA® into our practice. Prior to starting, some patients returned for their post periodontal therapy check and there were still significant signs of disease. We wanted more for our patients. We started using the MyPerioPath® salivary test pre- and post-periodontal therapy and for gingivitis therapy too. Salivary diagn...
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A Total Health Approach at a Reasonable Price: An Interview with Dr. Isaac Comfortes DDS

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you use OralDNA salivary diagnostics. Dr. Comfortes: I started utilizing salivary diagnostics in 2013. Since then, my approach has concentrated on total health, which I discuss during every patient consult. Without the use of OralDNA® salivary diagnostics, the total health conversation would be difficult. First, I ask the patient if they understand the importance of the test. Then I address the levels of bacteria and how that is expressed in their gum health. We d...
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A Clinician’s Resistance to Acceptance in One Case

When I opened my practice almost two years ago, I was introduced to OralDNA® Labs’ testing services. I believed the value of laboratory testing would provide a higher quality of care for my patients; however, I was hesitant to incorporate something new into my patient case conversation. My hesitation stemmed from a belief that my patients would think we were adding another “cost” to their treatment plan and that made me uncomfortable. I continued to practice without OralDNA® Labs testing, unti...
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2021 Hot Topics In Oral Systemic Health Keynote

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, I am honored to conduct a keynote presentation for the AAOSH 2021 “Hot Topics” event. In this 20-minute presentation, my goal is to change your life in a powerful and meaningful way. My attempt to achieve the unachievable, is to convey a message that man-made, processed, nutrient-deficient, and toxic foods (yes toxic, or ‘noxious,’ if you’re a purist) are driving almost every major chronic disease with which you are aware. Yes, heart disease, strokes, hypertens...
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MyPerioPath® Antibiotic Option

MyPerioPath® results provide guidance to the health care provider regarding the bacterial cause to a patient’s periodontal disease and/or risk of complicating other systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease1, diabetes2, certain cancers3, brain health4, musculoskeletal health5, and pregnancy outcomes6. The health care provider will consider several modes of therapy to help address the pathogenic bacteria and the following therapy will conduct a post-therapy test to objectively measure ...
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Interview with Thomas Lewis Ph.D.

Dr. McGlennen: How were you introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics and why do you use the testing services? Thomas Lewis, Ph.D.: I was introduced to OralDNA® labs testing services through a functional medicine physician who has been using your testing services for several years. The why is simply because no one truly understands where they are on the oral health continuum. Many see bleeding gums when they brush or the occasional floss and think it is normal. I have been fortunate ...
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