Words of Wisdom from Lee Sheldon DDS

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, Words of Wisdom, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory “How would you help your patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” Patient: “But it doesn’t hurt!” Dr. Lee Sheldon: Helping the patient see what might be harming them even though it doesn’t hurt them can be more easily achieved by using a phase co...
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How do You Speak Testing? With Dr. Michael Perpich

Patient Bio: A 24-year-old male new patient, who recently graduated is seeking treatment. His chief complaint is crowding and a bothersome #14 which had endodontic treatment 7 years prior. His periodontal clinical signs are listed below. The patient hasn’t seen a medical doctor in two years as his studies were very demanding. His blood pressure today is 108/73. How would you introduce therapy including Alert 2™ to this patient? In reviewing your exam, it looks like you have several a...
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Vitality Mindset Made Simple Podcast

We all want to enjoy a life of relevance and energy. But, stress, toxins, and chronic inflammation can slowly plunder vitality. Staying healthy can often seem confusing, expensive, and no fun. The mental, physical, and emotional stressors of life are unavoidable, causing fatigue and accelerating aging. Confusing health information makes it difficult to know what to do or even where to start. Life is just too short to miss out on vitality. As a clinical dentist for over 36 years, I understand ...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Lisa Proffitt RDH

Hypothetical Patient Bio: Your 57-year-old male patient of 12 years presents today with the clinical signs listed below. His updated medical history includes medication for coronary artery disease. The implant on #8 was placed 2 years ago and seems stable. However, his wife states that he has had several months of bad breath. How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient? As a dental hygienist with extensive periodontal experience, the bacterial levels for th...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Rosse Lustina RDH

Patient Bio: Mr. Joe Doe is 64 years old and has been a patient of record for 25 years. He complies with 3-month periodontal maintenance since his active therapy 5 years ago. His home care consists of brushing with an electric toothbrush in the evening and flossing 5x/week. He takes a blood pressure medication and several for cholesterol. His deceased father had cardiac bypass surgery at age 67. How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient? First, following t...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Donna Shook RDH

  Patient Bio: New patient is a 66-year-old female. Per her records, her last active periodontal therapy was over 10 years ago. Her previous dentist just retired, and she is looking for a new dental home. Her home care consists of brushing twice a day with occasional flossing. The patient started smoking at age 18 and currently smokes 1 pack per day. She has expressed an interest in quitting. Medical history includes osteoporosis. How would you introduce therapy including MyPe...
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Interview with Kristen King RDH

Dr. McGlennen: Tell our readers how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Kristen RDH: We recommend OralDNA® saliva testing on all patients that have bleeding/inflammation regardless of probe depths. We utilize MyPerioPath® for these patients to customize treatment plans and target the cause of the inflammation. We utilize a post MyPerioPath® test, called MyPerioProgress®, to measure the effectiveness of the therapy we provided. It is awesome to use an approach where we can have objective ...
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How Do you Speak Testing? With Becky Comstedt RDH

“How Do You Speak Testing” provides insight into how to talk with your patients about optimal care. The guest author has been given a fictitious patient with background information and clinical signs along with a randomly selected test result(s). The guest author will share their expertise in communicating OralDNA® Labs testing with patients. Hypothetical Patient Bio: An 82-year-old female patient has been seeing you for periodontal maintenance. She has cardiovascular disease, takes lisinopri...
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Interview with Michael Carter MD

Dr. McGlennen: Who/what introduced you to OralDNA® Labs’ services? Michael Carter MD: I was introduced to OralDNA® Labs testing during an oral health summit about 3-4 years ago. As I listened to Dr. Bale and Dr. Doneen express how important testing for periodontal pathogens is, I became inspired to learn more about the oral microbiome and the oral connection with systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, arthritic conditions, and neurodegenerative processes. Many people think b...
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Interview with Brittany Blue DDS

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Brittany Blue DDS: We use MyPerioPath® to determine the levels of aggressive periodontal pathogens present in our patients’ oral flora.  Traditional periodontal therapy will not be as effective and is certainly more prone to relapse if these harmful bacteria remain in the mouth.  The bacterial diagnostics allow us to target the specific harmful bacteria with the specific systemic antibiotic that will help control the level of i...
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