Salivary Diagnostic Implementation with a Holistic Approach: An Interview with Sandra Lindo

Dr. Nagelberg: Tell me how you use Oral DNA salivary diagnostics? Sandra RDH: I use OralDNA® as an essential diagnostic tool on all patients; it serves as a base line to determine their risk factor for periodontal disease and the development of other systemic diseases. It is an adjunct tool that helps customize patient care. Dr. Nagelberg: What are the top two things to consider when you select a patient for testing? Sandra RDH: The top two things to consider when selecting a patien...
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Saving Patient’s Time and Money: An Interview with Lori Appehans

In many, if not most dental offices, the dental hygienists are the engine that makes the practice go. Clinicians like Lori Appehans are providing optimal treatment by choosing to utilize salivary diagnostic technology. It is my sincere hope that her patients understand how well they are being taken care of. It was certainly my pleasure to discuss the impact of salivary testing with Lori. Dr. Nagelberg: Tell me why you started to use OralDNA salivary diagnostics. Lori, RDH: We were frus...
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A Total Health Approach at a Reasonable Price: An Interview with Dr. Isaac Comfortes DDS

Dr. Nagelberg: Tell me how you use OralDNA salivary diagnostics. Dr. Comfortes: I started utilizing salivary diagnostics in 2013. Since then my approach has concentrated on total health, which I discuss this during every patient consult. Without the use of OralDNA® salivary diagnostics, the total health conversation would be difficult. First, I ask the patient if they understand the importance of the test. Then I address the levels of bacteria and how that is expressed in their gum health...
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Dentistry is Medicine

In the previous blog, we discussed that the use of systemic antibiotics, for high-risk patients may currently be the most effective method to treat the systemic impact of translocated periodontal pathogens. As periodontal treatment plans are formatted, utilizing a MyPerioPath test assists in determining the pathogen profile of the periodontal infection and provides  evidence- based systemic antibiotic selection. If dentistry is medicine, then utilizing a test to confirm the presence of bacte...
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Communicating with Patients about Nicotine and Perio

During a recent in-office team workshop, we were discussing nicotine use and its dramatic effects on the progression of periodontal disease. To help the team fully understand the consequences of nicotine use, we talked about vasoconstriction and how smoking masks the true level of periodontal infection. The vasoconstrictive properties of smoking reduce blood flow and, in turn, oxygen to the tissue, resulting in gums that do not bleed or have reduced bleeding. Smoking patients have pockets th...
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Assessing Risk with Salivary Diagnostics

The development of commercial laboratory tests utilizing the collection of saliva is, in my opinion, an important step forward in understanding and managing inflammatory periodontal disease. There are, in fact, no tests available that will predict the onset of attachment loss. However, by gathering information on a patient’s genetic inflammatory profile as well as periodontal pathogen profile we have access to objective data when ascertaining risk, or the possible onset of periodontal disease ...
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“Seeing” What Can’t Be “Seen”

Can you think of a patient who, despite all your efforts, continues to struggle with their periodontal health? Do you ever wish that you could “see” that which you cannot “see”? Well, here’s the good news: You can! In addition to a complete professional prophylaxis or periodontal therapy, part of your mission as a healthcare provider is to partner with your patients to achieve better health. When you identify the oral-systemic link for your patients in addition to identifying risk f...
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Reduce Dental Benefit Hassles and Help Your Patients Say Yes

Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to deal with a denied claim again? One way to help prevent these hassles is by having more diagnostic information from the beginning! The quantitative results that you receive in a salivary diagnostics report gives you a measurable overview of a patient’s bacterial profile as well as risk level—both of which provide crucial evidence for your best chance at insurance coverage. (You’ll also have a great baseline from which you can assess the efficacy of tr...
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WNL: What’s your definition?

During virtually every dental examination, there is a review or updating of the patient’s health history and a clinical examination. If everything is consistent with good oral and overall health the notation WNL is commonly made, which is an abbreviation for Within Normal Limits. There is however another less commonly known meaning to WNL; We Never Looked. Looking goes way beyond visual observation and includes other diagnostic tools such as radiographs, scans and laboratory testing. Let’s co...
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Perio Pathogens CAUSE Rheumatoid Arthritis– Now What?

“Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease affecting over 1.3 million Americans and as much as 1% of the worldwide population.” ( There is a growing body of research indicating a causal association between specific periodontal pathogens and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In a 2009 study, in Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, the authors indicate that a specific perio pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P.g.), produces an enzyme capable of modifying specifi...
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