Words of Wisdom by Kim Miller, RDH

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, to share their insight. When Kim Miller RDH with Inspired Hygiene was asked to address “I need to think about it” or “I need to talk to ____ (my husband, wife, etc.) about it,” her response included the following: “I completely understand. I’m sure you weren...
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Computer Security and You: Part 2

Last week in Part One, common breaches were defined, and remedies explored. After reading Part 2, your objectives will be to comprehend the complexity needed for passwords and to enable two-factor authentication for your OralDNA® Labs account. Passwords are another significant risk with online accounts. A common practice is that people use the same username/password on multiple websites. The problem with this practice is that when a site gets hacked exposing your username/password, now a ...
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What’s a “Hygiene Visit” Worth? With Dr. Michael Goldberg

Price becomes an objection when a patient does not perceive “meaningful value.” Without such a value-based context, people use money as a benchmark. Is your hygiene visit worth $39, $59, $99 or more? Or is it only worth it if the “insurance will cover it?” And now that the new hygienist you just hired is making 20% more than the previous one, how does that figure into the profitability of the practice? We are in complex times, made more intense by the pandemic-effect, which acceler...
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Words of Wisdom with Doug Thompson DDS

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, “How would they help the patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” When we asked Dr. Doug Thompson from Wellness Dentistry Network to respond to “But it doesn’t hurt” (when diagnosing periodontal disease), here is his approach. This is one of the most difficult reali...
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Words of Wisdom from Dr. John Kempton

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, “How would they help the patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” When we asked Dr. John Kempton from LAUNCH Oral Systemic Health to respond to “That’s more than I was expecting,” here is his approach. When patients respond to our consultation with “That’s more than...
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Words of Wisdom by Sheena Hinson RDH

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, “How would they help the patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” Patient: “Will my insurance cover this?” This is one of the greater dilemmas in the dental industry. It’s a roadblock disguised as access to care for many patients. For years, they have been misle...
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Who Guides Your Patients To Their Destination? with Dr. Michael Goldberg

In my last blog, I discussed the value for, and the tactics involved in trying to discover a patient’s WHY. Recent events and the effect that inflation has, and will continue to have, on all our lives for the foreseeable future, makes this exercise of utmost urgency in your practice. In light of this new reality, I would like to propose that you consider reframing each and every role in the dental practice. If your treatment is not presented in the right light, towards a patient-relevant bene...
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Words of Wisdom from Lee Sheldon DDS

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, Words of Wisdom, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory “How would you help your patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” Patient: “But it doesn’t hurt!” Dr. Lee Sheldon: Helping the patient see what might be harming them even though it doesn’t hurt them can be more easily achieved by using a phase co...
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Words of Wisdom from Jeanette Kern DDS

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, Words of Wisdom, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory “How would you help your patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” Patient Obstacle: “I just can’t afford it.” When a patient voices an objection to treatment, it is very important for the clinician to realize that it does not necessarily mean a r...
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Why? What? How? with Dr. Michael Goldberg

WHY?…WHAT?…HOW? This is a philosophy that is often taught in dental and hygiene schools: Diagnose, Treatment Plan, then Treat. And yet, immediately after this is taught, a focus is placed on learning treatment, or the HOW. And then upon graduation the focus also becomes on treatment and production. The diagnosis (WHY) and planning (WHAT) become secondary. They’re only an avenue to an end…Production, a means to an end. That’s where the money is. In a nutshell, that’s the problem with...
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