Everyone Has a Story

Every patient that sits in your dental chair has a story. All stories have a beginning, middle, and end, as does life. We have the wonderful opportunity to help our patients be able to live a long and productive one. Jumping to the middle of my story, my mom died at the age of 58 and my dad at age 60, both from end stage vascular diseases. They didn’t get a chance to enjoy their children into their adult years, get time with their grandchildren, or even meet their great grandchildren. I, like ma...
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In a recent survey of dentists done by the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, 71% had anxiety-related symptoms, 60% had depression-related symptoms, and 92% had symptoms of stress. Dentists working in the independent sector had more psychological symptoms compared with those in the public sector. Overall, 92% of the dentists were experiencing some form of psychological symptoms. We must bring awareness to these stat...
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Dental Hygiene Student Discovers the Value of OralDNA® Testing

Challenge: To reduce periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity that are contributing to severe periodontal inflammation, improve oral malodor as reported by the patient and remove unsightly calculus buildup that is harboring oral pathogens. Introduction: In Fall of 2021, I had the pleasure of learning about OralDNA® Labs’ testing from my instructor Jamie Griggs of Colorado Northwestern Community College (CNCC). Before knowing anything about OralDNA® or how the process works, I wondered why...
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Dental Hygiene Student Helps Manage Periodontal Disease Through MyPerioPath® Testing

Challenge: To reduce periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity that are contributing to severe periodontal inflammation and tissue sensitivity. Background: The patient is a 33-year-old female with a history of treatment for ovarian cancer. The patient presented with severely inflamed gingiva with generalized extreme heavy bleeding upon gentle probing. Upon touch, there was generalized sensitivity. For the patient’s home care routine, she states that she practices daily toothbrushing and in...
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Interview with Madison Afsari, RDH

Dr. McGlennen: Please tell me how and why you became interested to incorporate OralDNA® testing at your practice. Madison RDH: Our dental hygiene team wanted a way to determine exactly what type of bacteria our patients have in their mouths, so we can treat them the best way possible. Dr. McGlennen: What do you see as the biggest benefits to using salivary diagnostics in your practice? Madison RDH: The biggest benefit for us is being able to reduce patients' overall bacterial load i...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Katherine Gutierrez RDH

Patient Bio: Your patient is 34 years old, and she is new to your practice. She recently moved back to the area to be closer to her father who was recently diagnosed with dementia. Her partner and two children will also be joining your practice soon. She is not taking any medications and her last dental visit was before she moved about 9 months ago. She presents with these clinical signs. How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient? In our practice, the doc...
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Oral Systemic Links Through the Eyes of a Gen Z

My name is Kavya Kadakia and I am a 9th grade student in Southern California. As a freshman, I got a wonderful opportunity to execute a science fair experiment. I pondered upon topic ideas for my science fair project for a while. My mom, a dentist, talks about her dental work within the house including patient struggles, small discoveries within the dental community, and many talks about the Mouth-Body Connection®. Ironically, I never considered dentists real doctors. Yeah definitely, a smart mo...
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Interview with Brenda Nishimura DDS

Dr. McGlennen: You started using OralDNA® Labs testing services in December of 2016. How were you introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics? Brenda Nishimura DDS: We learned about OralDNA® Labs and salivary testing from Doug Thompson at the Wellness Dentistry Network, which we have been a member of since its inception. Dr. McGlennen: You utilize MyPerioPath® and OraRisk® Candida on a consistent basis for your patient care. What distinguishes a patient for MyPerioPath® testing? How do...
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Patient with Chronic Gingivitis & Oral Candida

Challenge: Patient presented with chronic gingivitis and oral Candida symptoms Background: A 64-year-old female sought treatment from a medical doctor for a “thrush-like” infection. The medical doctor then referred the patient to an ENT. However, this patient was already of our record and decided to start with our office. The chief complaint is a “thrush-like” infection in the mouth, throat and lips. The clinical assessment confirmed generalized white patches. Upon periodontal assessment,...
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Who Guides Your Patients To Their Destination? with Dr. Michael Goldberg

In my last blog, I discussed the value for, and the tactics involved in trying to discover a patient’s WHY. Recent events and the effect that inflation has, and will continue to have, on all our lives for the foreseeable future, makes this exercise of utmost urgency in your practice. In light of this new reality, I would like to propose that you consider reframing each and every role in the dental practice. If your treatment is not presented in the right light, towards a patient-relevant bene...
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