Words of Wisdom from Jeanette Kern DDS

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, Words of Wisdom, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory “How would you help your patient overcome their obstacle(s)?” Patient Obstacle: “I just can’t afford it.” When a patient voices an objection to treatment, it is very important for the clinician to realize that it does not necessarily mean a r...
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How do You Speak Testing? With Dr. Michael Perpich

Patient Bio: A 24-year-old male new patient, who recently graduated is seeking treatment. His chief complaint is crowding and a bothersome #14 which had endodontic treatment 7 years prior. His periodontal clinical signs are listed below. The patient hasn’t seen a medical doctor in two years as his studies were very demanding. His blood pressure today is 108/73. How would you introduce therapy including Alert 2™ to this patient? In reviewing your exam, it looks like you have several a...
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Classic Periodontal Disease after COVID with Brenda Sullivan RDH

Challenge: Patients are avoiding routine dental visits due to fear of contracting COVID. This patient had missed several hygiene appointments during the pandemic. Our goal was to re-establish health and increase homecare to help this patient’s general immunity. Background: This case study involves an 84-year-old male with a history of scaling and root planing, who before this assessment was in good periodontal health. His blood pressure was 114/72 and his pulse 83. He has a history of cancer,...
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Vitality Mindset Made Simple Podcast

We all want to enjoy a life of relevance and energy. But, stress, toxins, and chronic inflammation can slowly plunder vitality. Staying healthy can often seem confusing, expensive, and no fun. The mental, physical, and emotional stressors of life are unavoidable, causing fatigue and accelerating aging. Confusing health information makes it difficult to know what to do or even where to start. Life is just too short to miss out on vitality. As a clinical dentist for over 36 years, I understand ...
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Why? What? How? with Dr. Michael Goldberg

WHY?…WHAT?…HOW? This is a philosophy that is often taught in dental and hygiene schools: Diagnose, Treatment Plan, then Treat. And yet, immediately after this is taught, a focus is placed on learning treatment, or the HOW. And then upon graduation the focus also becomes on treatment and production. The diagnosis (WHY) and planning (WHAT) become secondary. They’re only an avenue to an end…Production, a means to an end. That’s where the money is. In a nutshell, that’s the problem with...
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Resolutions and Upcoming Events

As the New Year is upon us, resolutions are a common tradition. Although resolutions are easy to make, only a small percentage achieve their goals. If your resolution is to provide a higher level of care for your patients, incorporating OralDNA Labs’ testing services is achievable and we are prepared to help you reach that goal. Personalized webinars are available upon request and typically last about 30-40 minutes. Click here to send us your preferred dates & times. Attend the live ...
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Uncontrolled Diabetic – Referred by Physician

  Background: The patient is a 41-year-old female who has not been seen by a dental professional since 2008 (10 years). The patient stated her chief concern as “My doctor said my uncontrolled diabetes could be caused by my mouth.” Other medical concerns are high blood pressure and acid reflux. The home care routine consisted of manual tooth brushing only. Following the periodontal assessment, the patient was diagnosed with active, localized, chronic periodontitis due to the present s...
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Interview with Dr. Chelsea Gonzales

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Dr. Gonzales: We use OralDNA® to create a customized plan for treating our patient’s periodontal disease. We also use it to gauge the success of their periodontal treatment and revised home care regimens. Salivary diagnostics enables us to treat the patient’s whole health by tying their periodontal condition to their medical history and treating the specific bacteria that could be contributing to multiple health conditions. ...
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Article Overview with OralDNA

Have you ever finished reading an article and thought to yourself “What?!”. In this new series of blogs/vlogs, Dr. Ronald McGlennen will review articles of relevance to help answer your questions and offer his additional expertise on the topic. If you come across an article that you would like Dr. McGlennen’s insight on, please contact info@trendsinsalivarytesting.com or click here. https://youtu.be/wtulmQ9ubAE
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Lisa Proffitt RDH

Hypothetical Patient Bio: Your 57-year-old male patient of 12 years presents today with the clinical signs listed below. His updated medical history includes medication for coronary artery disease. The implant on #8 was placed 2 years ago and seems stable. However, his wife states that he has had several months of bad breath. How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient? As a dental hygienist with extensive periodontal experience, the bacterial levels for th...
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