Interview with Eniko Loud DMD

Dr. McGlennen: Thank you for becoming an OralDNA® provider in 2016. What was the catalyst for bringing salivary diagnostics to your patient care? Eniko Loud DMD: I have taken courses in oral systemic health and functional medicine, then became familiar with the importance of the oral microbiome on the holobiome. The holobiome is the sum of all bacterial, fungal, viral populations that live inside and on the body - like the lung flora/biome which is secondary to the biome of the mouth and ...
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Rule In or Rule Out — How to Add a Test

The OralDNA® Labs preserved oral rinse collection kit comes at no cost to you and works for all tests on our test menu, with the exception of OraRisk® COVID 19 RT-PCR. The collection technique of a vigorous 30 second swish and gargle is efficient and effectively captures various DNA - bacterial, human, viral and fungal. The collected DNA from the oral cavity is analyzed to produce lab reports that help you make patient care decisions. When Alert 2™, MyPerioID® IL-6, or Celsus One™ are ord...
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Re-assess and Re-focus in 2021

When it comes to your profitability and production for 2021, how are you doing so far this year? Are you on track to do what you hoped? And most of all, have you determined what improvements you want to incorporate into your practice for 2021? Many of us had the feeling that a giant pause button was pushed during our COVID lockdowns. How did you use that time? Did you take time for yourself? Did you reprioritize your relationships? How about your health, did you do any self-love or was it...
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Interview with PDS South Bay Joan To, DDS

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you heard about OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Joan To DDS: Originally, I was introduced to OralDNA® testing through Pacific Dental Services (PDS). However, implementing testing was slow to start until Dr. Shervin Molayem, my colleague and in-office periodontist, helped me. He shared his personal experience and success stories with OralDNA® testing and how he was able to take better care of his patients. I wanted that for my patients. Obviously, his motivation was...
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How Do You Speak Testing?

  A common question of everyone doing something for the first time is “How?” Clinical laboratory testing is standard of care in the medical profession and while completing their degrees, our medical colleagues learned the “How.” For dental professionals, clinical laboratory testing is a newer concept. Clinical lab testing in dentistry marks a paradigm shift. We hope this series “How to Speak” provides insights into how to talk with your patients about optimal care. The guest author has...
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The Amazing COVID Comeback: Part 2

Last week in Part 1, I introduced you to my team’s success during the difficult year of 2020. I delved into some of our practices and now you must be wondering, how in the world do I start with all of this?!? I am so glad you asked! I would love to help you! Start by establishing your vision. Then, look at where you are, review the information that you have and evaluate the statistics. Next is reviewing and, when necessary, revamping your training. Ask yourself the following questions: ...
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The Amazing COVID Comeback: Part 1

  2020. What a year, right? For many offices, 2020 meant survival. For ours, what started as a traumatic year with a pandemic and the tragic, unexpected loss of one of our beloved doctors, turned into a year of thriving. By committing to focus on constant and never-ending improvement, our office was able to consistently meet and exceed our goals. In 2020, revenue produced in our hygiene department alone increased by nearly 40%. In fact, had we not encountered a 6-week hygiene shut do...
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It’s Not JUST About the Science

At a time when “evidence-based” everything is all the rage; I would like to share my experience and philosophy in regard to salivary diagnostics.  My approach comes from a non-scientific perspective garnered from my 40+ years of clinical experience.  I come at it from both a trained scientific, human, psychological, patient management and pragmatic mindset. Several years back, I had a discussion with a well-respected career academic and journal editor about “evidence-based” medicine.  He qu...
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MyPerioProgress: Features and How-To Video

According to Merriam Webster, the definition of a posttest is “a test given to students after completion of an instructional program or segment and often used in conjunction with a pretest to measure their achievement and the effectiveness of the program.” When an OralDNA® provider performs a pretest MyPerioPath®, applies periodontal therapy, and then performs a posttest MyPerioPath®, a comparison report called MyPerioProgress® is generated. This can be used to measure the effectiveness of t...
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Accountability in Your Office

Are your employees busy all day? But some of the things you want to get done are not getting done? Nobody seems to notice when there is a problem such as voids in the schedule, patients leaving without accepting treatment, operatory drawers not stocked, etc. until it is too late. Whenever you come across these difficult situations, you have choices. Do nothing or do something. Webster's Dictionary defines “accountability” as “the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or wil...
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