How to Hire the Best Dental Staff in the Everchanging COVID-19 Pandemic

  The coronavirus pandemic has changed almost every aspect of our lives, from grocery shopping to socializing with friends and family. The way we work has changed, too. Working from home is now an option for many. However, dentists, hygienists, and assistants providing emergency treatment and elective treatment from their homes is impossible. Working in dentistry during this time has been a real eye-opener. Many dental professionals have adapted while some have left practice en...
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A Common-Sense Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: Weekly Case Reviews with Dr. Lee Sheldon

Most webinars explore new, innovative, fabulous procedures. What about the day-to-day procedures such as the new patient, the periodontal case, or the restorative case? What about the basics? • How to communicate to the patient? • How to prioritize to make dentistry within reach of the average person? • How to gain greater case acceptance? • How to remove the insurance obstacle? Dr. Sheldon brings his whole team approach to patient management and communication to his new webinar series....
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Chronic Anterior Inflammation Finally Resolved

Challenge: The patient's main concern was to reduce chronic inflammation around tooth #8 and #9. The patient previously had received treatment at a general dentist and a periodontist without significant improvement. Background: A new female patient, age 28, was last seen by another dentist on 12/5/2018. Her home care consists of brushing twice daily with Tom's of Maine® toothpaste and a Sonicare™ power toothbrush, and Crest® Pro-Health™ rinse with occasional flossing. Her family history i...
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Interview with Lori Appelhans RDH

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me why you started to use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Lori, RDH: We were frustrated with inconsistent periodontal results, and began incorporating OralDNA® into our practice. Prior to starting, some patients returned for their post periodontal therapy check and there were still significant signs of disease. We wanted more for our patients. We started using the MyPerioPath® salivary test pre- and post-periodontal therapy and for gingivitis therapy too. Salivary diagn...
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A Total Health Approach at a Reasonable Price: An Interview with Dr. Isaac Comfortes DDS

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you use OralDNA salivary diagnostics. Dr. Comfortes: I started utilizing salivary diagnostics in 2013. Since then, my approach has concentrated on total health, which I discuss during every patient consult. Without the use of OralDNA® salivary diagnostics, the total health conversation would be difficult. First, I ask the patient if they understand the importance of the test. Then I address the levels of bacteria and how that is expressed in their gum health. We d...
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A Clinician’s Resistance to Acceptance in One Case

When I opened my practice almost two years ago, I was introduced to OralDNA® Labs’ testing services. I believed the value of laboratory testing would provide a higher quality of care for my patients; however, I was hesitant to incorporate something new into my patient case conversation. My hesitation stemmed from a belief that my patients would think we were adding another “cost” to their treatment plan and that made me uncomfortable. I continued to practice without OralDNA® Labs testing, unti...
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2021 Hot Topics In Oral Systemic Health Keynote

On Saturday, January 16, 2021, I am honored to conduct a keynote presentation for the AAOSH 2021 “Hot Topics” event. In this 20-minute presentation, my goal is to change your life in a powerful and meaningful way. My attempt to achieve the unachievable, is to convey a message that man-made, processed, nutrient-deficient, and toxic foods (yes toxic, or ‘noxious,’ if you’re a purist) are driving almost every major chronic disease with which you are aware. Yes, heart disease, strokes, hypertens...
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The Time is Now: How COVID-19 has Awakened a Desire for Wellness

As we all begin to live out the new normal triggered by the current pandemic, one thing that will never go back to normal is peoples’ views on the importance of health. COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for many. There is a collective sense of the need to assess health, contemplating areas and practices we can improve and what we can do to prevent illness and disease in our bodies. As dental providers, the timing is right to capitalize on this movement towards health and wellness. Now is the...
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Interview with Dawnie Kildoo, DDS, MAGD

  Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Dr. Kildoo: We perform a MyPerioPath® on every patient with signs of periodontal disease. It gives us a more accurate diagnosis and helps us understand possible risk factors for other systemic diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes and strokes. Recently, we have been sending the results to the patient’s physician to help them better understand the oral-systemic connection, too. Dr. McGlennen: What has been the ...
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Periodontal Inflammation Primes the Systemic Innate Immune Response

This week, Dr. Ronald McGlennen - President & Medical Director of OralDNA® Labs provides a review of the recently published article "Periodontal Inflammation Primes the Systemic Innate Immune Response” written by N. Fine, J.W. Chadwick, C. Sun, K.K. Parbhaker, N. Khoury, A. Barbour, M. Golberg, H.C. Tenebaum, and M. Glogauer. This article appears in the Journal of Dental Research, October 2020. The complete article can be accessed here. Enjoy the VLOG and please feel free to share any...
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