Celebrating 7 Years of Trends in Salivary Testing!

Salivary Diagnostics has come a long way since our first blog post in 2016! There have been great strides made in research that have expanded the knowledge base and acceptance of salivary testing throughout all types of healthcare specialties. This especially applies to the awareness and importance of the oral-systemic connection. More and more medical and dental professionals are joining forces to offer their patients the best possible care using salivary diagnostic testing. Trends in Saliv...
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APDP: Pillars for Success in Today’s Private Dental Practice

Are you ready to step up your leadership abilities? Are you ready to advance your private practice to match your dream practice? If you answered yes to either of these questions, YOU should attend the annual 2024 APDP meeting: Pillars for Success in Today’s Private Dental Practice. Join other exceptional private practice dentists, spouses, and educators/consultants for our live annual meeting March 7-9, 2024 at the Fort Lauderdale Coral Springs Hotel & Convention Center. This ex...
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The Transformative Power of Salivary Diagnostics in Dentistry for Personalized Care in the Mouth-Body Connection Era

There's an age-old saying, "Change is the only constant." In the field of dentistry, we've seen many evolutions, from the tools we use to the methods we apply. One such evolution that had a deep impact on our practice is the introduction of salivary diagnostics. At first glance, like many others, we considered this technology to be disruptive. Yet, upon deeper reflection and application, it has woven seamlessly into our clinical culture, enhancing patient care and experience. Periodontal dise...
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Salivary Diagnostics: The Frontier Uniting Medical and Dental Professionals

Your saliva has a story to tell about your health. The oral microbiome can alter the balance between health and disease, locally and systemically. Within the oral cavity, bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa, and viruses may all be found, each having a particular role, but strongly interacting with each other and with the host, in sickness or in health. Early diagnosis of disease, quantification of disease, and prognosis of the treatment are vital steps in controlling and preventing the diseas...
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Be the Guide, Not the Hero

We care deeply for our patient family and are oral-systemic experts.  Because we have invested enormous amounts of time and money in quality education, we know best what people need for strong teeth and a long health span.  Our patients appreciate this and always listen intently to what we tell them they need to do.  They happily reach into their wallets and hand us their credit card.  Right?  In my 34 years of clinical experience: Wrong!  People buy what they want, not necessarily what they nee...
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How Do You Speak Testing? With Karina Diaz, BASDH, CRDH

Patient Bio: A new patient, female, age 41 appointed to your practice. Upon medical history review, she is currently not taking any medications, only nutritional supplements recommended by her dietician. Her family history revealed her father has cardiovascular disease and sister has Type 2 diabetes. Completing the periodontal assessment identified: How would you introduce therapy including MyPerioPath® to this patient? (Patient) we understand that the health of our mouths and the heal...
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Unlocking the Power of Oral Salivary Testing Through Patient Experiences

In the ever-evolving healthcare field, staying at the forefront of diagnostic innovations is paramount for medical practices. Oral salivary testing has emerged as a groundbreaking tool that can revolutionize the way doctors diagnose and treat patients. Empowering doctors and patients alike, oral salivary testing is a way to provide more personalized and effective care. Salivary testing has emerged as a powerful tool that Medicava recommends for providing valuable insights into patients' heal...
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The Dynamic Duo: Benefits of Combining Oral and Gut Probiotics

Keeping an eye on our oral and digestive health is crucial for sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that oral probiotics can have a big impact on your general well-being? They can! Scientists, medical professionals, and dentists alike are learning more about the advantages of taking probiotics for gut health. With their Probiotics Kit, StellaLife® offers you the ideal blend of intestinal and oral probiotics, enhancing your health from the inside out. We'll talk about the benefits of ...
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Collaboration Cures 2023: We do what other conferences do and more!

AAPMD, AAOSH and IAOMT are partnering with Collaboration Cures 2023 for this expanding, groundbreaking conference that is being viewed as a watershed for practitioners and patients. Our three organizations were created to educate healthcare practitioners on unrecognized important topics in new ways. Each has had years of success growing in leadership, membership, and status. AAPMD was created to recognize the role and importance of optimal airway physiology and sleep; AAOSH has dedicated its ...
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The Oral Mycobiome: How Fungi in Our Mouths Help or Hurt Us (Condensed Version)

Fungus is a normal, natural inhabitant of the oral microbiome. Candida is the most well-known oral fungus. Sometimes called “yeasts,” Candida lives in people’s mouths, intestines, and on their skin. One in two adults has Candida species living in their mouth.4 In small to moderate amounts, it is normal and does not cause a problem as long as the immune system is in good working order. However, Candida can get out of balance for people at risk. Certain factors make a person more likely to have Ca...
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