Collaboration Cures 2024: A Three-Day Convergence of Knowledge and Innovation

Collaboration Cures for 2024 promises an enriching three-day event filled with education and dialogue, featuring an array of distinguished talents. This year's lineup is particularly exciting, with the inclusion of Patrick McKeown, a renowned expert in his field. As my knowledge grows with the Buteyko breathing method and am becoming a certified practitioner, the discussions around airway and breathing are energizing. Pediatrics is going to be highly represented with talks about sleep, myofu...
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Why Join the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH)?

The length of my dental career has been shadowed by the declining health of our population. With great sadness, I have witnessed my patients arriving with new lists of lifestyle-related diagnoses and an assortment of medications, prescribed as “band-aids” for those ailments. In congruence, the ever-increasing prevalence of oral disease (caries, periodontitis, oropharyngeal cancer, and occlusal disease) has not surprised me. As a dedicated friend to my declining patients, I started looking fo...
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AAOSH has been saving lives since 2010! Who is AAOSH?

The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) began in 2010 with the primary goal of uniting dentistry and medicine in treating the body as a whole. Fast forward 10 years later, we are still focused on that original target and the paths have wonderfully broadened to not just dentistry, but all allied health fields – chiropractic, integrated medicine, naturopathic medicine, functional medicine, osteopathic medicine, advanced practice nursing, life science coaching, and so many more! ...
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AAOSH Hot Topics 2023: Don’t Be Left Out in the Cold—Attend!!!

The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health began in 2010 with a simple mission: Connecting medicine and dentistry to save lives. Since the beginning, professionals from all aspects of health care have been sharing their expertise to achieve the mission of saving lives. If you are reading this blog, you may have previously attended an AAOSH event or at minimum you have thought about attending. But, new breakthroughs are constantly being made in this field. Here’s a taste of what you will e...
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Probiotics Combined with Antibiotics Can Help

Almost all of us will be faced with the need to take an antibiotic at some time. Certainly, they are overused in many instances, but can also be lifesaving. Besides killing the bacteria that are causing the infection, antibiotics can also wreak havoc with the gut microbes. If you think of your gut flora like a tropical rainforest with vast diversity, think of antibiotics as a slash and burn therapy that does not discriminate between friendly probiotic strains and pathogenic invaders. It i...
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Words of Wisdom from Jan Lazarus RDH

Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, to share their insight. When Jan Lazarus RDH with The JP Institute was asked to address “Is it going to hurt?” her response included the following. The simple response to “Is it going to hurt?” in most cases would be, “No, we plan to make you comfortable by ...
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Sick and Tired of Patients Being… Sick and Tired?

Me too! Day after day, patients dismiss their oral health, writing it off as “My gums have always bled.” Inside, my head was exploding, but outside my heart was opened. I knew that I had a chance to educate my patients to a whole new level of health. One where their energy would be boosted, risk to coronary heart disease would be lowered, and the chance of them developing diabetes would be significantly reduced. I became a hygienist on a mission. I instinctively knew that if things were g...
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