An Interview with Sue Baughman

  Dr. McGlennen: What are the top 2 things to consider when you select a patient for testing? Sue RDH: I do not filter who I share this valuable information with. ALL patients have the right to know that there are tests to determine what type of bacteria is in their mouth that may be harmful to their overall health. In other words, I educate all patients on what they need and then it is up to the patient to decide. I have patients who take their total health and well-being very seri...
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What is “Differential Diagnosis”?

There is an old adage in medicine that says “When you hear hoof beats, think horses. Don’t think zebras.” This phrase can be applied to every patient and case; your eyes don’t tell the whole story. It is usually good advice to confirm the obvious, rather than spending time and resources investigating rare things. Consider the virtue of the “differential diagnosis”. In medicine, the differential diagnosis is a process by which the consideration of diagnosing one disease is distinguished fr...
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Case Study: Pregnancy and Periodontal Pathogens

Background: Patient is a 31 year old female, who presented with the chief complaint "My gums are swollen and painful." The last dental visit with exam was about 6 months ago. The radiographic examination including bitewings revealed horizontal bone loss and heavy amounts of generalized subgingival calculus. The patient's gums were erythematous with probe depths between 5-9 mm. Patient was diagnosed with generalized severe chronic periodontal disease. The additional challenge was that the patie...
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Periodontist Turned Patient

  As a periodontist, I pride myself on healthy gums. I admit to only getting a prophylaxis when the schedule permitted. My home care most likely resembles what most dental professional do, brush twice daily with an electric toothbrush and flossing most days. In grad school, it was discovered I had a few 4mm periodontal pockets. However, my professors were not concerned and I was never diagnosed with periodontal disease. Now fast forward several years. At age 37, after surviving an...
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Education and Encouragement through Connecting and Commitment: An Interview with Rosie Jimenez

Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how do you use OralDNA® salivary diagnostics.  Rosie RDH: Let me begin by sharing; I have been very fortunate to work in practices that support my passion for treating periodontal disease. My patients have benefited through the communication, assessment and treatment I provide. I know there are hygienists who feel they are not supported in their efforts. In honor of dental hygiene month, my advice- stay strong, keep educating yourself on new technologies and keep as...
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Are you tired of the “Are you flossing?” song and dance? Find the Root Cause Instead: An Interview with Angie Bays

Dr. McGlennen: What are the biggest benefits to using salivary diagnostics? Angie RDH: The biggest benefit with offering MyPerioPath® is it gives the clinician another platform for educating the patient. I know patients are fed up of hearing about brushing and flossing, just as much as hygienists are weary of saying it. Don’t get me wrong brushing and flossing are important but OralDNA® takes care to another level. We can now show the patient the root cause of the infection, maybe even ti...
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Salivary Diagnostic Implementation with a Holistic Approach: An Interview with Sandra Lindo

Dr. Nagelberg: Tell me how you use Oral DNA salivary diagnostics? Sandra RDH: I use OralDNA® as an essential diagnostic tool on all patients; it serves as a base line to determine their risk factor for periodontal disease and the development of other systemic diseases. It is an adjunct tool that helps customize patient care. Dr. Nagelberg: What are the top two things to consider when you select a patient for testing? Sandra RDH: The top two things to consider when selecting a patien...
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Saving Patient’s Time and Money: An Interview with Lori Appehans

In many, if not most dental offices, the dental hygienists are the engine that makes the practice go. Clinicians like Lori Appehans are providing optimal treatment by choosing to utilize salivary diagnostic technology. It is my sincere hope that her patients understand how well they are being taken care of. It was certainly my pleasure to discuss the impact of salivary testing with Lori. Dr. Nagelberg: Tell me why you started to use OralDNA salivary diagnostics. Lori, RDH: We were frus...
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We Were Always Taught

Dentists who were trained in the 70’s were always taught that the first instrument used in an operative procedure was the enamel hatchet. Caries excavation was done with spoon excavators and a belt driven low speed handpiece. We were always taught that reversible hydrocolloid was an excellent impression material, especially since you could use the same material on multiple patients. You just had to warm it back up in the water bath. We were always taught that we only needed to use a mask and...
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Where to Start

A common dilemma among many dental practices is how to transition the hygiene department from prophylaxis to comprehensive periodontal diagnosis and treatment. Among the concerns is the perception that if we are starting something new, does that imply that up until now patient needs have been inadequately addressed? The simple solution to this dilemma is referring to the constantly evolving knowledge in healthcare. Using phrases such as “Research has shown” or “We now know” , can help with t...
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