Dentistry is Medicine

In the previous blog, we discussed that the use of systemic antibiotics, for high-risk patients may currently be the most effective method to treat the systemic impact of translocated periodontal pathogens. As periodontal treatment plans are formatted, utilizing a MyPerioPath test assists in determining the pathogen profile of the periodontal infection and provides  evidence- based systemic antibiotic selection. If dentistry is medicine, then utilizing a test to confirm the presence of bacte...
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WNL: What’s your definition?

During virtually every dental examination, there is a review or updating of the patient’s health history and a clinical examination. If everything is consistent with good oral and overall health the notation WNL is commonly made, which is an abbreviation for Within Normal Limits. There is however another less commonly known meaning to WNL; We Never Looked. Looking goes way beyond visual observation and includes other diagnostic tools such as radiographs, scans and laboratory testing. Let’s co...
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Gum Disease and Pregnancy

In recognition of National Women’s Health week that begins May 14, I encourage all readers to view the 3 minute attached video. Kim Miller has recorded a highly informative video on pregnancy and periodontal disease. Among the central points in this discussion is that healthy gums do not bleed. Kim makes the point that periodontal bacteria can enter the mother’s bloodstream, cross the placental barrier and potentially have an adverse effect on the developing fetus. There is also a recommendati...
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5 Medical Facts that Every Dentist Simply Must Know

5 Medical Facts that Every Dentist Simply MUST Know. . . There is a well-substantiated link between oral health and certain systemic diseases.1 Diseases can lower the body’s resistance to infection, making it more susceptible to developing or exacerbating periodontal disease. Pregnant women with periodontal disease tend to have earlier term babies and babies of lower birth weight.2 Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome and even Alzheimer’s can affect oral health.3 Recent ...
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