The Hidden Threat to Dental Implants: Why Ignoring Bacteria is a Risky Gamble – Part 2

  In Part 1, we uncovered a hidden threat to dental implants—bacteria—and explored why so many providers overlook the critical step of testing for harmful pathogens before placement. Despite the clear risks, common objections like cost, insurance coverage, and lack of awareness often stand in the way. In Part 2, we’ll break down how to shift the conversation, overcome objections, and use ethical influence to help patients make the best decision for their long-term health. The truth i...
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The Hidden Threat to Dental Implants: Why Ignoring Bacteria is a Risky Gamble – Part 1

    Dental implants are everywhere these days. But you know what else is popping up more often? Implant failures. Here’s the title of a recently promoted CE course: “Peri-Implantitis Badlands: Surviving the Wasteland of Failing Implants” It’s like Einstein said: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. So, when a patient loses teeth due to periodontal disease, why in the world would we expect implants to be immun...
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Implants, Biofilm, & pH!

Today, dental professionals need to look at professional maintenance in a whole new light. A paradigm shift in professional maintenance and home-care recommendations for patients with tooth-borne and implant-borne restorations is occurring. I would refer to this as ‘mixed bag’ patients with natural teeth, restorations, and implants. We see these ‘Mixed bag’ patient every day. An additional resource to provide the best maintenance would be The American College of Prosthodontists guidelines fo...
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