Are you ready to explore the latest advancements in oral-systemic health? Don’t miss "Periodontal Inflammation as a Driver of Systemic Disease," a free webinar hosted by Dental CE Academy in partnership with OralDNA® Labs. This webinar is designed to give providers an in-depth understanding of how periodontal inflammation impacts systemic health and how to incorporate the latest tools and strategies into practice.
Course Summary
While inflammation is an essential component of the body's im...
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oral systemic connection
Practicing Dental Medicine: The Partnership with a Clinical Laboratory
If you are reading this article, you were likely born in a country and era where medical testing is a routine part of healthcare. From birth, data collection begins with tracking weight and height, followed by simple blood tests to screen for potential concerns. As we progress through life, additional tests are conducted based on signs and symptoms, reflecting a reactive approach essential for treating existing conditions. On the other hand, some tests are used proactively to intercept disea...
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Collaboration Cures 2024: A Three-Day Convergence of Knowledge and Innovation
Collaboration Cures for 2024 promises an enriching three-day event filled with education and dialogue, featuring an array of distinguished talents. This year's lineup is particularly exciting, with the inclusion of Patrick McKeown, a renowned expert in his field. As my knowledge grows with the Buteyko breathing method and am becoming a certified practitioner, the discussions around airway and breathing are energizing. Pediatrics is going to be highly represented with talks about sleep, myofu...
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The Patient First Podcast: Dr. Bryan Laskin Interviews Diane Larson, RDH, BSDH
Dr. Bryan Laskin is a Minnesota dentist and tech entrepreneur on a mission to help solve the biggest problem in dentistry, the lack of data accessibility, through innovation, education, and standardization.
Creator of Lake Minnetonka Dental, Upgrade Dental, Digital Nitrous, OperaDDS, Dental Standards Institute, and Co-Founder of Toothapps, Dr. Laskin is also an advisor and investor to many of the most progressive healthcare companies. He is the author of the Amazon best- selling books “Th...
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The Mouth-Mind Connection: How Oral Health Influences Brain Health: Part 2
Last week, in Part 1, we explored the significant connection between oral health and brain health, highlighting how bacteria in the mouth can contribute to diseases like dementia, and outlined the three main types of dementia: Alzheimer's, vascular dementia, and Parkinson's. This week, in Part 2, we will delve deeper into the demographic that is most affected by dementia and strategies for prevention.
Why Are Elderly Most Affected?
As a patient’s cognitive ability declines, so does their ora...
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The Mouth-Mind Connection: How Oral Health Influences Brain Health: Part 1
The mind and the mouth are more connected than you might have thought, but hey, they are only a few inches away from one another. As we’ve talked about with previous diseases and conditions, our oral health is directly connected (through all those annoying bacteria) to the overall health of our bodies. And in the case of our brains, this means the bacteria in our mouths can significantly contribute to one of the most devastating diseases, dementia.
Better oral health equals less bacteria, whi...
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How do you speak Dementia/Brain Health and Periodontal Disease with your patients?
Dr. McGlennen: Concerning dementia and brain health, recent medical studies point to poor oral health, and high levels of the bacteria in our gums with the increased risk to develop Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia1-3. Specifically, there is now evidence of the oral pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), present in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid and it may be involved with the production of the abnormal proteins that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease4. Additionally, the d...
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Oral Health and Whole-Body Health: Using Testing to Address Cause and Effect with Dr. Ron McGlennen
You know that oral health can profoundly impact whole-body health. And your patients are becoming increasingly aware of this fact. You’re uniquely positioned to influence their oral care decisions. So, how do you expertly educate them about this vital connection?
Join Ron McGlennen, MD, and Jocelyn Strand, ND, on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024, at 11am PT as they discuss evaluating oral health and addressing dental disorders from an integrative perspective. In this “fireside chat,” Dr. McGlennen...
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Empowering Patients: The Game-Changing Benefits of Alert 2™
While we’ve found the Alert 2™ test extremely useful for hygienists and dentists, in my experience I’ve found that ultimately the patient has the greatest benefit from the test results. Many patients may not fully grasp the impact of bacteria on their oral and systemic health or hold preconceived notions that may be at odds with their diagnosis. And while we can explain the role of bacteria and genetic influence on their diagnosis, the Alert 2 report from OralDNA® has been a game changer for...
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Six Mouth Infections You Need to Get Rid of if You Have Heart Disease (Condensed Version)
Address Oral Health to Prevent Heart Attacks, Strokes, and High Blood Pressure
When you ask most people, “What can you do to treat heart disease?” they will say diet and exercise. But how many people mention mouth bacteria at the top of the list for turning around heart disease? Even medical doctors rarely mention this as a top contributor to heart disease. While diet and exercise are critical, don’t overlook the sinister bacteria lurking in the mouth that cause gum infections and send the he...
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