Flu Season… Why Is This Any Different Than An Infection In The Mouth?

Is your home plagued with the flu virus? It seems to be everywhere. The young and the elderly are those most commonly affected by it; in fact there have been many reports of death associated with the 2018 flu virus. Here’s the scenario: You bring your sick loved one to the doctor, and the doctor orders laboratory test(s) typically, by a blood and urine sample. From those lab results, a determination is made if your loved one has a virus or bacterial infection. With this valuable information ...
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Managing Atherosclerotic Disease: Medical and Dental Collaboration- The New Standard of Care

Medicine and dentistry have long been aware of the connection, association, and direct links between high-risk periodontal pathogens and cardiovascular disease. Knowledge alone has a limited potential to change chronic disease outcomes unless it leads to new clinical practices. Effective and proven new protocols to identify and mitigate virulent periodontal microbes are available today. A small percentage of dentists have implemented these practices and the majority of physicians are unaware...
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Daily Dental Care™: Interview with Dr. Emily Stein

Dr. McGlennen: What is the mission for Daily Dental Care™? Dr. Emily: Daily Dental Care™ is committed to addressing public health issues by creating safe and consumable oral care products that target the root cause of dental disease- Oral bacteria. We are a life sciences company that leverages our microbiology expertise to create oral care products that promote strong teeth, healthy gums, and fresh breath. Our lozenges safely and effectively neutralize harmful bacteria and their diseas...
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Case Study: Class II Periodontitis

Background: The patient is a 54 year old female who presented with the chief complaint “My gums bleed when I brush, there are possible cavities and I don’t like the tooth crowding.” Her last dental visit was about 6 years ago. There is a family history of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer. The home care consisted of manual tooth brushing 1-2 times per day with occasional antibacterial mouth rinse. During the clinical assessment, it was discovered that several amalgam restor...
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A Higher Standard of Care

For many years now, research has shown that there is a mouth body connection. In other words, what is happening in the mouth can impact what is happening with the body! In order for someone to have good health, they need to have good oral health. Unfortunately, periodontal disease is silent, as it does not hurt until it is severe. The minimal pain factor, as periodontal disease develops, may be why 80% of the United States population is suffering from periodontal disease. In the next paragra...
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Case Study: Pregnancy and Periodontal Pathogens

Background: Patient is a 31 year old female, who presented with the chief complaint "My gums are swollen and painful." The last dental visit with exam was about 6 months ago. The radiographic examination including bitewings revealed horizontal bone loss and heavy amounts of generalized subgingival calculus. The patient's gums were erythematous with probe depths between 5-9 mm. Patient was diagnosed with generalized severe chronic periodontal disease. The additional challenge was that the patie...
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Periodontist Turned Patient

  As a periodontist, I pride myself on healthy gums. I admit to only getting a prophylaxis when the schedule permitted. My home care most likely resembles what most dental professional do, brush twice daily with an electric toothbrush and flossing most days. In grad school, it was discovered I had a few 4mm periodontal pockets. However, my professors were not concerned and I was never diagnosed with periodontal disease. Now fast forward several years. At age 37, after surviving an...
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Dentistry is Medicine

In the previous blog, we discussed that the use of systemic antibiotics, for high-risk patients may currently be the most effective method to treat the systemic impact of translocated periodontal pathogens. As periodontal treatment plans are formatted, utilizing a MyPerioPath test assists in determining the pathogen profile of the periodontal infection and provides  evidence- based systemic antibiotic selection. If dentistry is medicine, then utilizing a test to confirm the presence of bacte...
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Routine dental hygiene… is never routine!

The Merrian-Webster defines paradigm shift as “an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.” There is a definite paradigm shift in dentistry and a strive to parallel our dental profession to our medical counterparts. Dr John Kempton is on this front line, helping address oral systemic health with direct patient care and as a leader inspiring others to a higher quality of care. Dr John Kempton will be our gues...
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“Seeing” What Can’t Be “Seen”

Can you think of a patient who, despite all your efforts, continues to struggle with their periodontal health? Do you ever wish that you could “see” that which you cannot “see”? Well, here’s the good news: You can! In addition to a complete professional prophylaxis or periodontal therapy, part of your mission as a healthcare provider is to partner with your patients to achieve better health. When you identify the oral-systemic link for your patients in addition to identifying risk f...
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