Interview with Sharmane Soriano, RDH

  Dr. McGlennen: Tell me how you were introduced to OralDNA® salivary diagnostics. Sharmane Soriano, RDH: I was introduced to OralDNA salivary diagnostics through the dental office I worked at. Just graduating from the dental hygiene program, OralDNA was something I was not familiar with. The Alert 2™ report gave accurate data of the patient’s oral health as it tests the types of bacteria, the amounts of bacteria, and the patient’s genetic risk of acquiring periodontal disease. Afte...
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Pure Perio: Upcoming Events

Pure Perio is an oral health course that focuses on total body health by treating periodontal disease founded by Dr. Tommy Nabors, the pioneer in salivary diagnostics. Our core concept involves understanding the body’s inflammatory cascade through microbiology with salivary diagnostics. By attending the course, you will learn the science behind periodontal disease and total body health from research-based sources. After understanding the science, you will learn an oral health protocol to appl...
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An Unknown Cause of Infertility

Although the construct of the family unit is evolving, having children remains important to the majority of adults. Yet, more and more adults are experiencing difficulties having children and are turning to assisted reproductive methods to start a family. A reported 10% of the population are infertile, although from personal experience, I believe that number is much higher. This is due to a multitude of reasons, one of the reasons being advanced maternal age. The CDC reported that the averag...
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Interview with Rachel Kashani-Legler, RDH, RF, BSDH, MS

Normandale Community College has a commitment to excellence in dental hygiene education and has been training their students on salivary diagnostics since 2010. We asked Rachel Kashani-Legler, RDH, RF, BSDH, MS, to share her insight into their program and how it has been affected by the introduction of salivary diagnostics: Diane Larson, RDH: What are the most significant changes or trends you've observed in salivary testing over the last 13 years? Rachel Kashani-Legler, RDH: It is truly ama...
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Systemic Inflammation, Elevated hs-CRP, and Oral Bacterial Pathogens Decrease After Two Years of Natural Dental Health Treatments: A Case Study

Heart Disease Begins in the Mouth High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is the most clear, quantifiable, and readily accessible marker of the oral-systemic connection. We present a case study of an otherwise healthy 62-year-old woman with elevated hs-CRP who had abundant numbers of pathogenic oral bacteria. A natural dental health treatment over two years lowered hs-CRP and lowered oral pathogens. Given the links between oral disease, inflammation, and heart disease, it is wise to te...
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Hygienist Highlight: Baltimore Uptown Dentist

Can you briefly describe your experience and background as a dental hygienist? I have been a hygienist for almost 40 years and have been working with a phase contrast microscope for the last 25 years. Using the microscope has helped me view the mouth’s connection to whole health. What motivated you to become a dental hygienist? I love smiles and want to help people have the healthiest mouth possible. Now, it’s a healthy mouth and body! How do you stay updated on the latest dental hyg...
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The Blood Pressure Blueprint: THE Holistic Guide to Defeating Hypertension

STOP constantly worrying about your high blood pressure and feeling those pesky symptoms. NO LONGER fear that your hypertension will cause a heart attack, stroke or worse. REJOICE when your doctor says, “Your blood pressure is perfect!” The Blood Pressure Blueprint is your proven solution to achieve optimal blood pressure control. Dr. Ellie Campbell has devoted 30 years of clinical experience in conventional, holistic, and integrative medicine designing a program to help you achi...
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Saved by the Mouth is Here!

I’m excited to announce the release of my very first book, Saved by the Mouth! Sparked by my own medical experiences (I’ll tell you more about that in a second), I wrote Saved by the Mouth with the hope that it would be a necessary wake-up call about oral systemic health, push the boundaries of traditional dentistry and how dentists truly care for their patients, and encourage the public to be more proactive of not only their oral health, but their overall health. At the age of 14, I was ...
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How Do You Speak Joint/Musculoskeletal Health and Periodontal Disease To Your Patients?

Dr. McGlennen: Like periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory condition. But unlike periodontitis, where the genesis of the inflammation is the complex infections in the gingival sulcus, the cause of RA is unknown. Recent studies, however, provide insights that, in part, oral bacteria play a role in evoking an abnormal immune response that then leads to joint disease. In a recent meta-analysis of 21 separate studies, there was a significantly increased risk of period...
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Interview with Robert Benavides DDS

Dr. McGlennen: What are the top two things to consider when you select a patient for testing? Robert Benavides DDS: It's crucial to evaluate both the Dental and Medical histories to understand their intricate interplay in the Mouth-Body Connection®. Our goal is to analyze how these histories manifest in our patient’s tissues. Utilizing objective testing data helps us discern deeper insights and offer more accurate and personalized treatment.  Dr. McGlennen: What are the biggest benefits to usi...
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