Reduce Dental Benefit Hassles and Help Your Patients Say Yes

Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to deal with a denied claim again? One way to help prevent these hassles is by having more diagnostic information from the beginning! The quantitative results that you receive in a salivary diagnostics report gives you a measurable overview of a patient’s bacterial profile as well as risk level—both of which provide crucial evidence for your best chance at insurance coverage. (You’ll also have a great baseline from which you can assess the efficacy of tr...
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WNL: What’s your definition?

During virtually every dental examination, there is a review or updating of the patient’s health history and a clinical examination. If everything is consistent with good oral and overall health the notation WNL is commonly made, which is an abbreviation for Within Normal Limits. There is however another less commonly known meaning to WNL; We Never Looked. Looking goes way beyond visual observation and includes other diagnostic tools such as radiographs, scans and laboratory testing. Let’s co...
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5 Medical Facts that Every Dentist Simply Must Know

5 Medical Facts that Every Dentist Simply MUST Know. . . There is a well-substantiated link between oral health and certain systemic diseases.1 Diseases can lower the body’s resistance to infection, making it more susceptible to developing or exacerbating periodontal disease. Pregnant women with periodontal disease tend to have earlier term babies and babies of lower birth weight.2 Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s Syndrome and even Alzheimer’s can affect oral health.3 Recent ...
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The True Cost of Clinical Lab Testing

As an in-office coach I often hear the following objection, “Clinical laboratory testing is too expensive. My patients won’t want to spend the money.” Taking into consideration the latest research, released in the online British Medical Journal November 29, 2016, which states that periodontal disease with high risk pathogens (Aa, Pg, Tf, Td, Fn) is causal for arterial sclerotic vascular disease, the patient can’t afford NOT to test for the presence of these dangerous bacteria. (1)   As a prof...
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The Effects of Marijuana on Oral Health

There is a heightened level of interest on the impact of marijuana usage in the oral cavity given the number of states that have legalized the drug for medical and recreational uses. Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form. Several other states will soon join them. At the present time, the body of research on the effects of cannabis on the oral cavity and periodontitis in particular is very limited. A recent JADA article (J Am Dent ...
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