Price becomes an objection when a patient does not perceive “meaningful value.” Without such a value-based context, people use money as a benchmark.
Is your hygiene visit worth $39, $59, $99 or more?
Or is it only worth it if the “insurance will cover it?”
And now that the new hygienist you just hired is making 20% more than the previous one, how does that figure into the profitability of the practice?
We are in complex times, made more intense by the pandemic-effect, which acceler...
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salivary diagnostics
Words of Wisdom from Dr. John Kempton
Every patient is different. Overcoming a patient’s obstacles to treatment may take some finesse. The diagnosis and treatment plan are typically the easier task. In this series, we have asked the experts from our Protocol Directory, “How would they help the patient overcome their obstacle(s)?”
When we asked Dr. John Kempton from LAUNCH Oral Systemic Health to respond to “That’s more than I was expecting,” here is his approach.
When patients respond to our consultation with “That’s more than...
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Oral Systemic Links Through the Eyes of a Gen Z
My name is Kavya Kadakia and I am a 9th grade student in Southern California. As a freshman, I got a wonderful opportunity to execute a science fair experiment. I pondered upon topic ideas for my science fair project for a while. My mom, a dentist, talks about her dental work within the house including patient struggles, small discoveries within the dental community, and many talks about the Mouth-Body Connection®. Ironically, I never considered dentists real doctors. Yeah definitely, a smart mo...
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Who Guides Your Patients To Their Destination? with Dr. Michael Goldberg
In my last blog, I discussed the value for, and the tactics involved in trying to discover a patient’s WHY. Recent events and the effect that inflation has, and will continue to have, on all our lives for the foreseeable future, makes this exercise of utmost urgency in your practice.
In light of this new reality, I would like to propose that you consider reframing each and every role in the dental practice. If your treatment is not presented in the right light, towards a patient-relevant bene...
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Why? What? How? with Dr. Michael Goldberg
This is a philosophy that is often taught in dental and hygiene schools: Diagnose, Treatment Plan, then Treat.
And yet, immediately after this is taught, a focus is placed on learning treatment, or the HOW. And then upon graduation the focus also becomes on treatment and production. The diagnosis (WHY) and planning (WHAT) become secondary. They’re only an avenue to an end…Production, a means to an end. That’s where the money is.
In a nutshell, that’s the problem with...
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Resolutions and Upcoming Events
As the New Year is upon us, resolutions are a common tradition. Although resolutions are easy to make, only a small percentage achieve their goals. If your resolution is to provide a higher level of care for your patients, incorporating OralDNA Labs’ testing services is achievable and we are prepared to help you reach that goal.
Personalized webinars are available upon request and typically last about 30-40 minutes. Click here to send us your preferred dates & times.
Attend the live ...
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Interview with Diane Lindeman RDH
Dr. McGlennen: You have been using our services since 2009. Do you recall why you started using OralDNA® testing?
Diane RDH: We were very excited about being able to have yet another very important tool to help our patients achieve oral/systemic health. I personally need to see results to really believe in something. I cannot tell you how amazed I have been over the years seeing the difference OralDNA® testing has made on the outcomes of periodontal therapy for our patients. Having been w...
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The Dawson Academy: Salivary Diagnostics for the Integrative Dental Medicine Practice
Are you interested in learning more about salivary diagnostics and the benefits to your patient base? Do you need a few more CE hours before the end of the year? You're in luck! Join us on December 10th, 2021 at 9:00 EST for a virtual event hosted by The Dawson Academy and Dr. Angie Hedlund. This course will assess the different types of salivary diagnostic testing available, the purpose of each test, and how to use them to improve your patients' overall wellness. Can't make it to the live eve...
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Part 2: Inflammation & “Nutrients”
In everything we do, we are sending a message to our body to heal or to cause damage. A cause of inflammation and disease is nutritional deficiencies and the direct effect on our gene expression. Let’s broaden our view on what nutrients are. A nutrient could be the vitamins and minerals you get from a salad, or the nutritional movement you got from a walk through the woods a.k.a. forest bathing, or the quality night’s sleep you just had because you’ve been destressing with a regular meditation p...
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Part 1: Inflammation and “Nutrients”
Recently, someone I knew died of a sudden heart attack. He was 41 with a wife and three kids. He had a bigger-than-life personality and was someone who everyone was happy to know. It’s sad and he will be missed. He wasn’t a patient of mine and I didn’t know him well enough to know all his intimate life details. I was, however, able to make some general observations. He was overweight, especially around the middle, he lost his dad less than a year ago, his gums were usually red, and his teeth...
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